
Happy New Year. I hope everyone is doing well.

In this issue –

  1. What’s New,
  2. New Articles That Are Currently Up On the Site,
  3. What’s Coming.


If you have not been to the website lately, you will see an entirely new layout with new categories and hopefully more easy to find your way to what you are looking for. There are more changes coming but please be patient – I am not a tech coder so I am learning as I go – but I hope you like the changes. Let me know! You can always each us to make a comment – either through our social media pages on the right of the screen or contact us at the bottom of the page.


Two new articles so far this month – “New Travel Rules for Americans in 2025” and “The Chunnel” train article both on the site right now.

The New Rules article is about the new travel restrictions for Americans both internationally and domestic. Internationally, there are new visa rules for the European Union and for Great Britain, and if you don’t pay attention you may pay for a ticket and not be able to take off. Please check out the article and see how it affects you.

The Chunnel article is about the amazing Channel Tunnel train (Eurostar) that runs underneath the English Sea between London and Paris. On my recent trip to Great Britain, I made this run twice, and I found it to be the most efficient way to get between the two cities. The security checks are quicker, the waiting time to board is less, and they allow you to take more luggage. Those are all positives to me as opposed to standing and long waiting lines and going through security checks at airports. So read the article and see if you agree.


For what’s coming in the future look for articles on Stonehenge, which is just outside Salisbury, England. How to get there, a cute traveler’s hotel to stay in, and a really good English pub/restaurant to check out.

Following that will be a couple of articles on Cardiff, Wales and what to see and where to visit when you get there. Then on to Ireland!

Final Thought

My personal thoughts right now are with the City of Angeles, my home city of Los Angeles, and the fires that swept through the area. Friends and family are all right but it is heart-wrenching to see the devastation.

I hope your family members wherever they are – either close by or traveling are safe and prosperous in this New Year.

Till next time, my Best!


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