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Why read another travel blog? What new information can I bring you or reveal to you for your next adventure or experience? I like doorways, archway, and staircases. Each are different yet they each beckon you with the mystery and desire to know and see what is on the other side. That is what I would like my travel blog to provide. A vehicle that leads you to a new place or experience, that challenges you, makes you ask a question, or look at the world a little different. Whether that is in another country or right in your hometown.

My blog is about travel and more. It also includes my own personal experiences both traveling around the USA and international. I have been to 27 countries not including airports (that’s cheating). Here is a link to all the places I have been. I like to wander, so please wander around the site. Below you will find the most recent blogs and archives are on the right.

If you like what you read please let me know and subscribe. (it is free to do so!) If you write me at tripswithjames.com, I will respond as soon as I can. Thanks for reading!

Love Travel


New Books Written by James Carey on AMAZON and KINDLE!

Version 1.0.0

Can be found at www.amazon.com/author/jrc.128


PERSONAL SITE – http://www.jamesrcarey.com

AMAZON SITEhttp://amazon.com/author/jrc.128

IMDB.COM- https://pro.imdb.com/name/nm9826663/filmography

LINKEDIN.COM – https://www.linkedin.com/in/james-carey-74581a3/

YOUTUBE CHANNEL – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC9C0KPdL3tN1Q00FIz_m-zQ

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